Isabella Perez profile image Isabella Perez

ShuttleBay's Community Engagement Solution for The Collective Solution

Welcome to the ShuttleBay blog! We're eager to discuss The Collective Solution and today we're conversing with TY! Let's do this! Designed exclusively for visionary tech founders and astute investors, The Collective Solution offers unparalleled access to the finest insights, exceptional opportunities, and transformative

ShuttleBay's Community Engagement Solution for The Collective Solution
Shuttlebay with Collective Solutions

Welcome to the ShuttleBay blog! We're eager to discuss The Collective Solution and today we're conversing with TY! Let's do this!

Designed exclusively for visionary tech founders and astute investors, The Collective Solution offers unparalleled access to the finest insights, exceptional opportunities, and transformative collaborations with esteemed industries heavy hitters.

Tell us about your Project/Brand

A heavily curated business club for tech founders & investors to get access to the best insights, opportunities & collaborations with trusted superstars.

NFT Bali - Testimonials

Tell us about your role

Co-founder & CEO of The Collective Solution.

Why do you like using ShuttleBay?

It helps me to simplify & showcase tweets from our community & partners that help paint a picture of what we're doing, simultaneously making it easy for our community to engage with our content & each other.

What are the challenges and opportunities that your brand faces in the Web3 space?

Typically I've built businesses in rapidly growing markets, right now we're facing a rapidly declining "NFT" space despite the tech being better than ever. Market sentiment & adoption is slower than ever.

What Rewards do you currently offer your community?

Kimono's, hand-fans, rings & opportunities for early stage investment deals.

What are your brand's plans for growth in the Web3 space?

We will continue to focus on bringing together the best people in tech we can find, through shared experiences & opportunities to learn from each other while tackling challenges side by side

What trends do you see in Web3?

the biggest trend right now is people really want to see legitimate value - i.e how does this actually make my life better? Future speculative value is no longer acceptable.

What are your predictions for what’s coming up next?

Founders with real experience creating value will begin to find interesting use cases & tangible value, replacing the intangible / speculation based models we see today.

What advice would you give to other brands that are looking to enter the Web3 space?

Focus on your core audience & what they really want - if Web3 tech doesn't make it simpler / easier to use & more valuable, don't do it.

Where else can people find your project on social media and ShuttleBay?

Thanks for having me! Here's our YouTube & Website and our community on ShuttleBay!

Isabella Perez profile image Isabella Perez
ShuttleBay Content Manager