Isabella Perez profile image Isabella Perez

Finding Authentic Contributors for Your Brand and Project

In this workshop, we will delve into robust strategies for attracting high-quality contributors and offer key recommendations for piquing their interest and engagement. Here's what you'll discover: Practical methods to identify top-notch contributors for your Web3 project, enriched by invaluable suggestions shared by our stellar community

ShuttleBay Workshop - Session 3
ShuttleBay Workshop - Session 3

In this workshop, we will delve into robust strategies for attracting high-quality contributors and offer key recommendations for piquing their interest and engagement.

Here's what you'll discover:

Practical methods to identify top-notch contributors for your Web3 project, enriched by invaluable suggestions shared by our stellar community of Community Managers. We'll underscore the importance of encouraging authentic engagement and cultivating a nurturing environment that genuinely captivates contributors.

Our comprehensive guide is the result of a fruitful collaboration between ShuttleBay and an exceptional group of over 100 Web3 Community Managers. With dedication and proficiency, we've curated the ultimate manual for fostering vibrant communities. Dive in and enjoy!

Recognizing Dedicated Individuals

An integral part of seeking contributors involves pinpointing individuals who show a sincere interest in your project.

Keep an eye out for devoted members who participate actively and offer insightful input or ideas. These individuals are more likely to bring enthusiasm to your project and make significant contributions. Here's what you can do:

  • Monitor discussions to identify who is consistently involved.
  • Recognize individuals who provide valuable feedback or ideas.
  • Reach out to them personally to discuss possible contributions to your project.

"Great things in business are never done by one person; they're done by a team of people." - Steve Jobs

Tapping into Pre-existing Communities

A most effective strategy for sourcing contributors for your Web3 project involves reaching out to pre-existing communities. These communities typically consist of dedicated members who exhibit enthusiasm for similar projects.

Social platforms like Discord and Twitter can serve as treasure troves for spotting individuals who demonstrate active engagement in the realm of Web3.

By initiating contact and cultivating relationships with community members, you can lay a robust foundation for collaboration and expansion. Here are a few steps:

  • Identify communities that share interests with your project.
  • Engage in their activities and discussions.
  • Connect with individual members showing interest in your project.

Leveraging Referral Programs

Referral programs tap into the personal and professional networks of your existing community members. Since these individuals are already engaged with your project, they understand its values, mission, and culture. They are, therefore, uniquely positioned to identify others in their networks who align with your project's ethos and objectives.

When community members make referrals, they are essentially vouching for their contacts' skills and cultural fit, which can significantly shorten and simplify the vetting process. Moreover, referred contributors are often more likely to be invested in the project because they have a personal connection within the community.

Encouraging community members to participate in a referral program can also have positive side-effects beyond simply expanding your contributor base:

  1. Enhanced Community Engagement: The act of making referrals can make your current community members feel more involved and committed to the project's success.
  2. Stronger Connections: Referral programs can foster stronger bonds within the community, as members connect on a deeper level by working with people they respect and admire.
  3. Boosted Morale: Offering incentives for successful referrals can motivate community members, improve morale, and foster a positive community spirit. This could be in the form of project tokens, unique badges, additional permissions or access within the project, or even non-monetary recognition like shout-outs in community meetings or newsletters.
  4. Improved Contributor Retention: People who join your community through a referral are likely to stay engaged longer, especially if they have pre-existing relationships with other community members.
Isabella Perez profile image Isabella Perez
ShuttleBay Content Manager